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Can you donate $10 per month to support Democracy Now!’s independent journalism all year long? Since our very first broadcast in 1996, we’ve refused to take government or corporate funding, because nothing is more important to us than our editorial independence. When Democracy Now! covers war and peace or the climate crisis, we’re not brought to you by the weapons manufacturers or the oil, gas, coal or nuclear companies. When we cover healthcare, we’re not brought to you by the insurance industry or Big Pharma. Our journalism is powered by YOU. But that means we can’t do our work without you.Right now, a generous donor will DOUBLE your gift, which means your $10 donation this month will be worth $20 to Democracy Now! Please do your part today. Every dollar counts. Thank you so much. -Amy Goodman
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Back in the United States, a House congressional committee has uncovered documents revealing how oil company executives’ private actions contradicted their public promises to fight climate change. One set of emails obtained by the House Committee on Oversight and Reform shows how Exxon sought to undermine an oil industry pledge to uphold the Paris Climate Agreement. Other internal emails reveal Shell’s public pledge to go carbon-neutral amounted to corporate greenwashing. This week lawmakers heard testimony on how public relations firms worked to mislead the public over the climate crisis, while organizing phony grassroots campaigns to battle proposed regulations. This is environmental lawyer Raya Salter.
Raya Salter: “The climate crisis is an unprecedented global crime, and the smoking gun lies in the hands of Big Oil and Gas. They have known with precision for over 40 years that they were doing no less than creating a mass extinction event.”
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