LK Metrology, Inc., a leading global designer and manufacturer of Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs), metrology software and associated CMM accessory products, will be exhibiting a variety of new products in Booth No. 135230 in the East Building, Level Three at McCormick Place in Chicago, IL for the 2022 IMTS Show, September 12-17, 2022.
Fig 1. (Photo No. LK149-1) – Screen dump of the new TouchDMIS™ metrology software to be introduced at the 2022 IMTS Show.
Four different CMMs will be displayed and demonstrated including: the LK ALTERA M SCANTEK 5 equipped with a Renishaw REVO-2® 5-axis scanning system; the LK Multi-Sensor ALTERAC equipped with LK’s new blue line laser scanner and a new surface roughness probe; the new ALTO 6x5 Bench Top CMM; and finally, a new COORD 3 UNIVERSAL CMM with a TP200 touch probe. CMMs with PH20 and PH10 probes will also be on display.
LK will be launching an advanced version of their TouchDMIS™ software as well as demonstrating the newest version of their well-known CAMIO programming and measuring software. In addition, the new Industry 4 Metrology Gate, LK’s portal for remote inspection monitoring, will also be shown and demonstrated. Other CMM software like Renishaw Modus®, Polyworks®, and CMM Manager® that are frequently used with LK Metrology CMMs will also be available for demonstration.
Related accessory products to be seen will include; LK’s new SLK20 blue light line laser scanner; a new LK surface roughness probe; and a new LK FREEDOM V2 measuring arm with rotary indexing table.
Fig 2. (Photo No. LK149-2) - The LK Multi-Sensor ALTERAC equipped with LK’s new laser and roughness scanners
Established in 1963, LK Metrology has an impressive heritage in metrology dating back to the birth of CMM technology. In 2018, LK Metrology was relaunched as an independent CMM manufacturer after its acquisition by Angelo Muscarella, CEO and owner of ASF Metrology, Italy. LK's CMM development and production are at the company’s facility in Castle Donington, UK. Sales and support offices are located in the UK, North America, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and China, supplemented by a worldwide distributor network. Further information and contact details may be found at:
For Further Editorial Information: Send all Technical Inquiries To:
Allan G. Hall, Hall Industrial Publicity, Inc. Joe Szymanski, VP Sales & Marketing
1261 Romney Road LK Metrology, Inc.
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304. 29550 W.K. Smith Drive
Tel: (248) 705-8272 Hudson Heights, Michigan 48165
Fax: (248) 645-0906 Tel: (810) 263-6100
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