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But Prishtina's historical and monumental venues frequently overshadow the art on view.
“Is it a sin that I have been born as Albanian in Kosova?” Driton Hajredini asks a Catholic priest from the concealed darkness of a confession booth. Born in Prishtina, Kosovo’s capital, Hajredi
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In an article recently published in the journal Optical Fiber Technology, researchers discusse
By Design World Staff | October 5, 2010
SCHAUMBURG, IL – With the new TS 249, HEIDENHAIN offers an extremely compact touch probe primarily for use in NC-controlled grinding machines and lathes. This small device provides immediate connection to all common control types.
Latest Dimensional Metrology, Inspection and Quality News
Mitutoyo Corporation in Japan has announced the forming of a Private Label Licensing agreement with Marposs S.p.A. and is preparing to offer new optical-based measuring solutions on the global market in the second half of 2021.
Latest Dimensional Metrology, Inspection and Quality News
Smart Vision Lights (SVL) has received patent number US 11,328,380 B2 for its latest machine vision light innovation and standout at the recent Automate 2022 conference and exhibition: the DoAll Light. The patent is the latest add
Latest Dimensional Metrology, Inspection and Quality News
Smart Vision Lights (SVL) has received patent number US 11,328,380 B2 for its latest machine vision light innovation and standout at the recent Automate 2022 conference and exhibition: the DoAll Light. The patent is the latest add
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Toyo Tanso was the first company in the world to mass produce isotropic graphite back in 1974 and today its high-quality graphite products are used across a wide range of industries. A vital cog in the ever-involving semi-conductor industry for over four decades, Toyo Tanso will remain at the
Latest Dimensional Metrology, Inspection and Quality News
Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence has launched the Leica Absolute Tracker ATS600, a new laser tracker line. The new product introduces a new concept in metrology-grade laser trackers, with targetless 3D scanning possible for the